Monday, August 8, 2011

Choosing the Best Dome Tent for Your Needs ( One)

When purchasing the correct style and type of tent the following factors should be taken into consideration. For instance, whether you have a clear figure about the number of people who you will share it with?
Where will you set up your camping tent? How do you manage it?
And of course, the price tag. A dome tent is a kind of camping tents which is very popular.

Most camping Enthusiasts of all ages agree that the dome tent is one of the most popular and functional tent styles that are manufactured today. It is available in a wide range of designs, shapes, and sizes. For example, they may be in the regular shape or other with several rooms and doors. No matter how many domes that are used, it is required that all dome camping tents should use a geometrical design in their poles to hold up the weight of the marquee

The structural reliability of the fabric, poles, ropes, and pegs combined decides the sturdiness of a dome camping tent. Quictents camping tent and marquee for sale are two typical examples of high quality structured tents that can be used in a variety of weather conditions.

Generally, the materials of the poles for dome tents are flexible materials, such as carbon fiber which could overlaps each other to form and equal or almost equal geometric shape. This kind of structure is important for a camping tent. 

as we all know, a camping tent has four poles would have an octagonal shaped floor and need stakes or lines to weigh it, but a dome tent which is used as a camping tent has three poles and in a hexagonal shaped floor. This design contributed the dome tents the ability of be strong and self-supporting. No stakes or lines are required.

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